Hacker-Tool Hump-Day – LAN Turtle Modules – netcat-revshell

Since we’ve covered netcat in the past (briefly,) this is a good module to jump in on for today.

This module creates an outbound netcat connection to an already listening netcat remote listener, and presents a shell to that connection. It almost sounds backwards, but here’s the set up.

Before you configure this module, you need a shell account on a target box that also has netcat installed. For my example, the box is OpenBSD based, so the “netcat” is “nc” and has all of the flags I care about by default. We’ll call this “Server_B” since you’re connecting to this as a target. The first step is to get the IP address of the server. An “ifconfig -a” shows all of the interfaces, or an nslookup of the domain name should get this for you. If it has multiple interfaces configured, you can check the routing tables with “netstat -nr” and look for the default gateway to figure out which IP belongs on that subnet. Whatever the case, the LAN Turtle needs to be able to talk to that same network from its ethernet jack.

For our purposes, we’ll assume the IP was

We also need an available port. “netstat -an | grep LISTEN” will show the ports already taken. For this example, 8080 is free, so we’ll use it.

To set this up, run the following netcat command:
nc -k -l -v 8080

Now switch to your LAN Turtle interface, and go to the Modules menu. Select the netcat-revshell module and go to “Configure” to toss the IP and PORT into the fields. After you back out, you can hit “Start” and you should see activity on the netcat listener you started on Server_B. In our example, we got this line:
Connection from 58624 received!

Remember that the listening netcat process was just presented a shell back into the LAN Turtle. You won’t see a prompt, because it’s not a proper login, so your environment isn’t set up. However, you should be able to type commands and get responses back. For example, “uname -a” returns this:
Linux turtle 3.10.49 #7 Thu Jul 16 05:05:51 PDT 2015 mips GNU/Linux

You can stop the reverse shell at any time from the Turtle, using the menu option. If you “Enable” this, it will make an attempt at creating that reverse shell on start up next time it is plugged in or rebooted. In other words, if you want this to persist, you’ll need to keep the netcat listener running on that target box all the time.

The benefits to having this are the speed and efficiency in setting it up for getting a shell back into the Turtle from the LAN side of the interface. For example, if you plugged the Turtle into a USB power adapter, but wanted to be able to get into it for further configuration and work, you would want this module or one like it to present that shell for you. It’s not fancy, but it gets the job done.

The Hak5 LAN Turtle is a versatile tool for any hacker (or system’s administrator) to have on hand.