Hacker-Tool Hump-Day – Hak5 LAN Turtle module – ptunnel

The next module for the Hak5 LAN Turtle we’ll look at is the ptunnel module. This is for the “ping tunnel” program, which allows tunneling TCP traffic over ICMP. It’s not exactly fast, but it can potentially get you out where other tools won’t.

To use ptunnel, you want a “client” configuration, and a “proxy” configuration. The PROXY must be running somewhere outside of the firewall you’re having issues with, and you must be able to ping the host it is running on. To start the proxy just call “./ptunnel” without any flags. If you test this and it doesn’t work, you can try one or more of the following flags:

If you need packet capturing, use the “-c ” flag with this.
You might want to try it in unprivileged mode first, with the “-u” flag.
You can set an arbitrary password with the “-x ” flag, as well.
Finally, if you want some logging at the proxy side, you can use the “-f ” and “-v ” flags.

Once the proxy is running and waiting for connections, you can use the module on the LAN Turtle to connect to that.
A standard client connection would look like this:
ptunnel -p -lp -da -dp

For example, if we wanted to be able to ssh over ICMP to our proxy box (proxy_server) and our listening port for this is locally set to 443,
and the target to ssh to is the host “server_x” on port “22” because it’s the standard ssh port, we would run this for a client set up:
./ptunnel -p proxy_server -lp 443 -da server_x -dp 22

We would then run ssh like so:
ssh -p 443 localhost

Well, the module has four configuration settings you need to fill in through the module configuration menu.
Those four settings all correspond to the four items we just discussed:
-p Proxy Server – called “PTunnel Host” in the menu
-lp Local Port
-da Destination Address – called “Dst Server” in the menu
-dp Destination Port

Note that there is no configuration for a password here. If you want to use a password on your proxy set up, you’ll need to manually configure that, or modify the turtle script to include it.

There is also no configuration through the Turtle menu to run the Turtle as the proxy host. Only a proxy client. You of course can always run the host yourself from the command line, though.

Again, this isn’t the fastest way to get your packets where they’re going, but it does work well when it works at all.

Also, if you do decide to run this, be responsible. Don’t break out of your corporate firewall if it’s against corporate policy… and it almost assuredly is.

Thanks for reading, and if you liked this or even didn’t like it, leave a comment below!