Hacker-Tool Hump-Day – Hak5 LAN Turtle module – sshfs

There is a very nice program that allows you to use an ssh connection to “mount” a remote directory as if it is local. This program is called “sshfs,” and it sometimes makes things easier from the perspective of needing to copy a lot of files between systems, but not wanting to deal with the scp or sftp commands to do it. The Hak5 LAN Turtle has a module for this, and the primary purpose of this (most likely) is to assist in off loading large files to a remote location. You could use sshfs to remote mount a file system on another machine you control, then configure your ex-filtration tools to dump their payloads to that directory. In essence, the payload would never truly be written to the turtle in the end.

To use this, you need to go to the modules and choose “configure” as you would any module we’ve covered, thus far.

The configuration takes a “Host” a “Port” a “User” and a “Path” as options to be filled in. Since a “Password” is not among the options, you will need to do some preliminary work as well. The ssh keys would need to be generated and configured for the target user at that host.

The “Path” option can be left empty if you just want to use the target user’s home directory for the path.

Once everything is configured, use “Start” to make sure it works, and “Enable” if you want it to persist, as normal.

This module is quite nice consider the very limited space on the LAN Turtle, so play with it. I think you’ll enjoy the benefits.

Thanks for reading!

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