SSH Start to Finish Architecture – TCP Forwarding of STDIN/STDOUT

Last week we covered the standard TCP forwarding flags: -L, -R, and -D.

I explicitly held off on showing -W and -w, because I felt they deserved their own coverage.

We’ll cover the -w (dealing with tunnel devices) next week. This week is all about -W. Before we continue, you should note that one of my Wednesday posts was a brief overview of the netcat family of tools. If you think of “-W :” as a built in netcat for ssh, you’ll grasp the power of this flag pretty quickly. The most common example given for using this flag is the use of the ProxyCommand option to call SSH against a jumphost, and passing this flag to that host. The old way of utilizing ProxyCommand in this fashion was to actually call netcat as the remote proxy command, like so:

ssh -o ProxyCommand=’ssh jumphost netcat target_server 22′ target_server

Or if “Server_B” is our jumphost and we want to actually end up on “Server_A” by utilizing “Server_B” as a proxy, we would do it like this:
ssh -o ProxyCommand=’ssh Server_B netcat Server_A 22′ Server_A

That was all well and good, if netcat was actually installed, but sometimes it wasn’t. Luckily, SSH has its own built in netcat of sorts, via the -W flag. To do the same thing as above, we would do this, instead:
ssh -o ProxyCommand=”ssh -W %h:%p Server_B” Server_A

This is shorter, cleaner, and doesn’t rely on netcat at the jump server proxy point. Now let’s take this a step further. Let’s assume you want to pull a page down using command line, and you want to proxy through Server_B to get that page from Server_A.

echo “GET /some/page.html” | ssh -W Server_A:80 Server_B >page.html

Why might you want to do this? If you don’t have a direct route to Server_A on that port, but you can get to Server_B via SSH, and IT has access to Server_A on that port, you have a quick and dirty makeshift proxy.

Let’s sideline this thought process for a moment, and think about how many people try to lock down local accounts (stored in /etc/passwd.) Many people will give an account the “/bin/false” process as the “shell” to prevent logins to a shell. However, if you never actually attempt to get a shell with that account, you can use that account to proxy around all day long with the default sshd_config settings. If you want to disable this functionality, (and you should consider it, for the reasons demonstrated above,) you should set AllowTCPForwarding to “no” in the sshd_config file, and restart sshd.

There is a conversation floating around on social media right now about the Internet of Things botnet that took down Krebs’ blog, recently. One of the security vendors has suggested that an attack they are calling “SSHowDowN,” and this kind of functionality is exactly what they are referring to.

This kind of thing is really cool, when used correctly, but it’s also dangerous for poking holes in router and firewall access control lists.

If you have any experiences with this you’d like to share, leave a comment!

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