SSH – Start to Finish Architecture – Our First Keys

Last week, we set the stage for the bare bones SSH installation and configuration for logging in with a password. This works for many people, but it isn’t very flexible. What if the user needs to run a workload remotely from a script? The script will get prompted for a password, and that isn’t handled gracefully without some helper such as an Expect wrapper. A perl call to, or a raw TCL based expect, or one of the myriad of other languages with an Expect module would add bloat to what would potentially be a lean and mean shell script, otherwise. Also, passwords are often cracked somewhat easily if the target system (Server_B) is configured poorly for handling repeated password attempts. Brute force attempts happen all the time on internet facing machines, even. So how do we get rid of the need for a password? We will use a public/private key pair to handle the authentication for us.

Remember that the best place to generate your public/private key pair is as the user on the machine you are coming FROM. In our example scenario, that would be User_A on Workstation_A. The key generation can be complex, but for now, we will just generate a key without a passphrase. Next week, we will cover using a passphrase on the key, why it is important to do this, and how to handle being able to still use scripts without getting prompted.

To generate our initial set of keys, we’ll use the ssh-keygen utility supplied by OpenSSH.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “User_A@Workstation_A initial key”

This should prompt for a path and name (usually the home_directory/.ssh/id_rsa) where the key will be generated.
It should also prompt for a passphrase, but we’re making that blank for now, so just hit “Enter” to move along.
Finally, it’ll do some calculations, print out a “bubble babble” output, and end. Once it’s done, you should see two new keys in the directory it gave. Do an “ls -l ~/.ssh” and see if you have an “id_rsa” and “” file, now (assuming you didn’t change the path or name when prompted.)

Okay, a few things are going on with this command. First, the flag “-t rsa” is telling the command to generate the keys using the RSA encryption algorithm. The “-b 4096” says to make that a 4096 bit RSA algorithm. The “-C” flag puts a comment in the file, which helps identify the purpose of the key and who owns it. This comment appears in the public key out of the pair. If you cat out that file, you should see the comment tag at the end of the key.

Once you have your key pair, understand that the “id_rsa” file is your private key. This should be locked down (usually with 600 permissions) and should not be copied to any other systems (barring some very rare exceptions.) The public key is “” and is what you need to push out to User_B at Server_B. The contents of this public key file actually go into a different file for that user. They should be placed into the ~User_B/.ssh/authorized_keys file. There are multiple ways to get this pushed out. Many people prefer to use the “ssh-copy-id” command to push this out, but I don’t like how it handles the authorized_keys file normally. It just appends to it blindly. I prefer to write a function that handles pushing the contents to the remote server along with catting out the remote server’s authorized_keys file, uniq the output, then write it back to the authorized_keys file. This procedure ensures only one copy of the public key ever gets pushed, no matter how many times you do this. The function details are in my “DSH – Distributed/Dancer’s Shell” product. If you don’t see a link for that yet, it’s because the product is in Alpha testing, and will be launched as a Beta soon. I’ll post a link when it goes live, for those who are interested.

Once the public key is on the remote server, make sure the permissions on the authorized_keys file are also 600. The .ssh directory should be 700. The home directory shouldn’t be readable by world. Then test your connection from User_A@Workstation_A to User_B@Server_B. It should “just work” and drop you at a shell prompt. If it doesn’t, you can check the logs on the remote server (usually /var/log/secure.log or /var/log/sshd.log or similar) for clues, and you can re-try the connection with “ssh -vvv” to get verbose output for other clues. Often it’s a permissions error, so double check those file permissions.

This will now allow User_A on Workstation_A to write scripts that can call “ssh User_B@Server_B ” for remote workloads to be run, without getting prompted for a password.

This isn’t really the best way to handle this, though, so we’ll look at how to secure the private key with a passphrase next week, and still be able to do this without getting prompted on every connection.

Thanks for sticking with me on this. There’s plenty more to come!

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